Poll: 61% of Trump Voters Believe in the Great Replacement 

Despite what the corporate press says, the “Great Replacement” is real. The Great Replacement refers to the demographic replacement of the American people through mass migration. 

According to a recently released Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 61% of Donald Trump voters believe that “a group of people in this country are trying to replace native-born Americans with immigrants and people of color who share their political views.” 

22% of Trump voters disagree with that statement.

The Left has tried to politicize the issue after the Buffalo shooting. The perpetrator of this horrendous act allegedly had a manifesto where he expressed his belief in the Great Replacement. Despite millions of peaceful people believing in this theory, the corporate press has tried to connect belief in this theory with extremist violence. 

This survey was conducted from May 19 to 22 and showed that 34% of Americans believe in the Great Replacement. 33% of Americans strongly disagree with the theory and 14% strongly agree with it.

On top of that, 54% of Republicans and 53% of Fox News agree that “a group of people in this country are trying to replace native-born Americans with immigrants and people of color who share their political views,” per the Yahoo News/YouGov poll. 

The Great Replacement is not some wacky conspiracy theory. Democrats have long been enthusiastic about America’s changing demographics and how it could lead to their electoral hegemony. Former California Democratic Party Chairman Art Torres declared that Proposition 187, a ballot initiative to cut off public funding to illegal aliens in California, represented the “last gasp of white America in California.”  Even in the Washington Post, columnists like Adam Winkler previously revealed that demographic changes will ensure that the Second Amendment, a hallmark of the Historic American Nation, will be thoroughly gutted. 

Make no mistake about it, the Great Replacement is real and it’s the most alarming social trend of our time. The good news is that this riddle is quite simple to solve. It requires the passage of an immigration moratorium and a thorough purging of anti-white indoctrination in the education system.

The only group equipped to do that is the populist Right. 

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